Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saving Money

I dont know about you guys, but im trying to save money.... gas prices are in general up... at an average of 3.40 in the dfw area.... and with the amount of driving im doing im having to put in gas every 4 days... its getting expensive. aproximately $240 a month is ONLY going to gas... but money is tight. i really dont know about everyone else....
so im trying to figure out some simple ways to cut back and get more cash back in my pocket.
as a general rule im good about saving money and pretty much just buying things that i need.
here are some ideas, some are pretty much "no brainers"

  1.  budget budget budget.... know how much money you get in each month. know where the money is going... bills, groceries, rent, motgage, loans, entertainment, eating out... then trim your budget... do an "actual budget" how much you actually are spending on stuff, be as detailed as possible.then know what you need to do to make it better.
  2. ask yourself "do i need this?" or "can i afford this" for those times when you are thinking about getting something.... I've put manythings back down after i thought to myself "do i really need this?" or "can I afford this?" "can my money that i'd buy this with, can it go someplace better used?" instead a $30 computer game, put that money  towards groceries, or even clothes that you really need for the new job.
  3. disconnect any services you dont use.  easy example would be landline phones... most use their cell phones, while i know quite a few people that use thier home phones, i know that people still need them. can save about $20 a month though. Same with Television. I havent had television service since September of last year 6 months. how do i get my entertainment? Movies... and Hulu, and network websites, yes internet sites take a day or so to get the shows posted, but go over to a friends or family members home to view that MUST SEE show, or just wait til the next day, thats what i do.
  4. lose the gym membership. this is an easyone... i dont go to the gym, never have... but i think they're about $40 a month... go to the park, walk, exercise at home... most apt complexes have a gym on site, so you can do a treadmill or weights or what not, so if you live in an apt, take advantage of that service...
  5. cook at home vs. take out....  i once calculated all of this... i've never been a big person to really eat out all the time, i went through a brief period where i did, but i gained about 15 pounds in about a year. :/ at the time i was eating dinner out.. mainly fast food... so getting out my calculator...  lets say you eat out once a day... for $7.00.... for  5 days aweek. - 35 a week. then friday and saturday you may go out with friends or a date or whatever... so maybe about another 35? we're up to $70 a week... $280 for a month.  Granted some dont go out every day and some spend more on the weekends, and some people have a whole family or whatever.So now looking at groceries... i spend on average about 60 for about a week and a half, or more... so maybe about 150 a month on groceries... i probably spend less, i go like on a "big" run to the store, then when i need little things (milk bread) ill run and get those things
  6. Buy generic when possible.... i know that theres certain things you dont want generic products, but you can save a pretty good deal if you replace some things that you get with generic.
  7. watch your expiration dates and dont get anything that will ruin fast... including fruits and veggies... if you arent sure if you are going to use them quickly, dont buy them and have to throw them awy.
  8. make your own coffee. if you buy a $3.00 coffee every morning... about 15.00 for just during the week... 60 a month.  i make my own coffee at home... a can of coffee, lets say i get like a $6 can, a smaller can can normally last me over a month.... look how much is saved.
  9. make your lunch and take it to work... usually healthier, and you have more time catching up on that book you've been wanting to read, rather than running out to get food and rushing back to the office.
  10. make a list for the store.... dont impulse buy. one of our biggest hangups is impulse buying. stick to the list.
  11. dont shop when you're hungry. 
  12. limit your time you are going to shop. to much impulse buying.
  13. consolidate and pay of debt.
  14. pay your bills on time to avoid late fees. 
  15. Avoid ATM fees.
  16. avoid credit cards.
  17. spend cash, not plastic. people spend 12-18% more when they pay with debit/credit cards than with cash.
  18. shop the "Scratch and Dent" area when looking for new appliances... like at sears.
  19. skip the soda...  $2 at resturants, if you're buying for 2 people, thats  $4 for an outing, if you go out every weekend about $16 would be saved if you skip soda.---- if you skip soda for fast food, if you go out every day like some i know.. they eat out twice a day, like i said... and lets say a soda with a meal is 1.50 x 2 a day, 3.00 x7 days a week. 21.00 x 4 weeks in a month --84.00 a month saved just from not getting soda... 
  20. wait for things to go on sale.
  21. unplug.. appliances, switch off lights, turn off a/c open windows, get a fan, 
  22. plan vacations ahead of time to get the best deals.
  23. keep your car as long as possible.
  24. avoid vending machines.
  25. plan your menu. dont over buy. coupons, leftovres, shop right
  26. recycle.... can you reuse something for something else?
  27. ride your bike, walk, carpool where possible. ... 
  28. get your movies onlineNetflix
  29. Library. get books, videos whatever :) 
  30. Compare prices for large purcheses. 
  31. Quit addictions.... smoking, drinking, gambling, whatever... that you're tossing your money at.
  32. buy used furniture
  33. shop at thrift stores

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