Monday, April 26, 2010

Never Completely satisfied

Thinking on my life... recently i havent been utterly completely satisfied... always wanting something more, something different. (usually with my job situation) Past few weeks all i've wanted to do is travel. i want to go and see... well why not??? --- 2 things.. (time and money) --- You see, in order to go to these lovely places that i want to go, you have to have money. -- money to go and do, and travel, and accomadations and such. - so therefore, i have to work, to save up that money, in which that takes up the time,  maybe ill win the lottery (have to start playing the lottery first)
so hopefully ill be able to take a nice trip some time soon.

But life right now is going ok... just chuggin' along... schools almost out for the summer (YES!!) so its starting to get crazy with projects, papers assignements and tests.... but i will get through it. my goal for the next 2 weeks is to work on everything in my spare time... no time for fun the next couple of weeks.

I hope to get some over time at work this summer, and put the money away (for my trips)
then hit the books hard i n the fall.

then its off to UNT (hopefully) im ready to be done with school.. i dont mind it that much, but it will be better when im not completely stressed out and everything. :) but it is what it is for the time being... just cant wait to hang that diploma on my wall and say... look at me I did this, while working full time... and paid for it myself.. no help from my parents :P maybe rude.. but whatever.

anyways... ok well thats the update on my life.

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