Friday, February 18, 2011

Car accident.... meaning more time on the couch for me.

Had a car accident this week, on Wednesday afternoon on my way home from work. Thank goodness I was paying attention, and I thought quickly. -- well somewhat... but needless to say, i still got injured... nothing bad, strained some ligaments in my back (and I think I had a bit of whiplash in neck) I went to the doc today got some x-rays done... nothing was wrong with that but just ligaments, so im down for the 3 days and cant lift  anything to get the ligaments healed. and strong. so ice and heat and laying down for me next few days.

Of course having this car accident came at an interesting time....
Like i said in my previous post, I am reading a book called "90 minutes in Heaven." -a book which is ad been about a man (Don Piper, the Author) who was in a car  accident, a bad one too... but so i've been reading this book, and I get in a car accident. Someone told me the other day that maybe if I wwas reading a book about how to become a millionare, then that would happen... or if I was reading about "the secret to life" then  id find that secret, but NOOOO i have to be reading about a man who was in a car accident... LOL.

No, I  know that there is a reason for everything, thankfully my car will be ready in just a few days and i will be healed in a few days. the accident could have been alot worse --- but so thankful that it was not. I am also so that I got back under my dads insurance, because otherwise i would be paying alot for the doctor.

anyways --- I think i take life for granted....

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