here i am again, complaining..... yep. you've seen it on facebook, you may have even recieved a call from me (doubt ful) of me complaining to you, how my back hurts, from my car accident.
i know that there are a ton of other people out there that are dealing with much more tragic stuff, but this thing is bothering me.
looks like another day off for me tomorrow. mixed feelings.
while being off, no money is coming in, which is bad.. of course if i cant hardly lift a pound, much less several pounds, then i think its best for me to stay at home.... and perhaps look for another job... :/
so people have come to "rescue" me from my house, my boyfriend has come to pick me up 3 out of the 5 days. my parents rescued me yesterday. tomorrow i think im reallly going to keep it easy ....
so I've watched alot of television:

Frasier, will and Grace, NCIS, I love Lucy, Everyone loves Raymond....
Im almost done with my book :

thats about all i've done. ive spent alot of time on the computer, looking at blogs, and homework, and facebook.
spend alot of time on the Heating pad past few days and ice days before that.

of course being down has its perks, but then again, when you want to get things done around the house, you cant, right now moving laundry even hurts me, so i did do a load today, just moved a few clothes at a time,
but not like i can go clean out my closet or get out my big tub and start scrap booking or really even work on a puzzle (prolonged sitting and standing hurt me.) so pretty much just laying down is all i can do, so movies books.... so on...
Tonight I had a breakdown --- just felt useless.....jst like i'm having to depend on people to get me and help me... just frustrating, because i know that these people have a lot of betting things to do than come and pick me up, and entertain me. ....
i have a feeling ill be haivng another doctors visit, after all it was an emergency care center that looked at me. ( he didnt seem too into the fact that I had come in..) but he said it was ligament damage... which lasts awhile.
hopefully soon enough Ill stop with the complaining blogs and get on with my other complaints. tomorrow i think im going to spend another full day on the couch and not go anywhere.
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