Friday, November 18, 2011

Project thankful (i know im behind)

Day 12
1) SunshineSunshine
2) much needed naps, nap nap
3) putluck gatherings (some of the best food, and chaces to meet new friends)A Thanksgiving Potluck To Remember

Day 13
1) Muscles to work outsideGardening.
2) Music -- (have i already had this one?)Music!

3) MY Granny (having a close relationship with her)

Day 14
Legs To walk, A Walk
Skype to talk with my best friendskype
people who are interested in whats going on.

Day 15
1)Roof over my head
2) my parents
3)friends who care

day 16
1)  Car that workscar
2) Being Computer literate
3) being able to readread, read, read.

Day 17
1) The BibleThe Bible
2) My Boyfriend (always there for me no matter what)
3) Food in the fridgefood tips, essentials for freezer, pantry and fridge

Day 18:
1) heater that works
2)Clean waterThankful for clean water!

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