Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Things I am Thankful for

Im trying something new. Something that I hope that maybe will help me have a new outlook on life...
Project Thankful.
It is my goal for everyday for the month of November to write out at least 1 thing that I am thankful for. :) whether it is major or minor. :)
I have found myself getting caught up in the moment, and thinking all about myself... not about others... How Blessed I truly am.
and I find myself not Thanking God for all that I have, and taking special interest in the "little things" and just being thankful for those little things....

Today im going to state some obvious ones that just everyone says... but i really am thankful for:
  1. 1) my Lord and Savior. :)
  2. my health, sure i have my days when I feel a little under the weather, but bottom line, I am Healthy... not everyone can say that.
  3. Family. So thankful that they are so supportive, and when they are not, the let it be known.
  4. My friends- who are there for me, no matter what... willing to laugh with me or cry with me, or pray with me. :)
  5. thankful for the roof over my head
  6. my education, and the opportunities I will have when it is completed.
  7. I am thankful for all the resources we have.... - Lights, running water... not every country has that.
  8. Thankful for all other modern conveniences, computer, car, internet, etc...

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