Monday, May 17, 2010

Yep, another monday

Seems like i've been posting my blogs on mondays recently.... lucky you guys...
anyways - so far the day's been ok.
the week's been alright-
school got out last tues - well thats when my last final was - over all... i passed the classes.. yay. didnt get as high of grades that i was thinking / hoping for.  but at least i dont have to retake the classes (thank goodness)
this is leaving me with 3 classes left for the community college, and hopefully i'll be able to get my grades up so i can get in... GPA is still short to get in. may have to take a class during that second set of summer classes.
anyways - we will see...
lets see,  I am keeping very busy with church stuff and work right now... I love doing stuff with the church... but there is alot to be done.  - i know that im not even the main person, but between lessons, figuring out what the kids want to do, scheduling those things, getting them ready for summer camp, and just stuff... its alot... we were busy this month, we had a concert to go to, and of course lessons and stuff, we  had a HUGE garage sale a few weekends ago - and made over $2300! it was amazing - this is to help cover the youth's cost for the camps (1/2 of it) and then cover some activities in the summer as well as prob. help out in the winter as well. (yaaay)
I know that many of the kids enjoy my lessons and stuff... i feel like some are just judging me and waiting for me to mess up...

recently - (like within past like 2 or 3 days, i've just felt like people are disappointed in me - like just several people basically have said 'you should have done_______" or "you should have said ___________" basically telling me that whatever i did was wrong, and i should have thought abou tthings, and i should do ___________this or _________that" - just i want them to realize that i am who i am, and that i say what i say... i do what i do... just tired of them treating me like a little kid... i dont know...i appreciate advice, but when it feels like they are just degrading me, and that i do everything wrong.... you know.... just a little disheartetning... i wish that they would just appreciate me for who i am. and just go with it... but everyone has a say so.... just gotta live with it.

Job: its alright... still ready to get out..
ready to travel and go,
especially since many of my friends are already out for the summer -and they arent doing anything.
simon reminded me that I am making like twice as much as many of these people are making (the ones that are working at least) i dont know a single other person, my age that is paying for EVERYTHING themselves... no help from parents... apt, car, insurance, electricity , internet/tv, groceries, entertainment money - clothing... everything.
I am still ready to do my photography.
so far no one is willing to pay for my services. i think theres one person thats ready to, but a matter of setting the day.
other than that, some inquiries but no bites. im thinking about doing like a summer special (like 75% off...) i need some bites... if i can just get 4 or 5 familes... this summer - then really vamp it up for halloween / fall / christmas photos... then hopefully next yr it will grow. i was hoping to have a full - fledged photo business by Jan of next year, but i dont think thats going to happen... its moviing slower than what i had anticipated... oh well.
i have to remind myself that all of this is in His plan :)
it will be alright.
anyways thats all my ramblings for today ::
heres my update on my 101 list :-)

101 Update


learn how to make a pie

2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.

3.Try one new recipe a month (0/30)

House & Home

4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive. – failed with the ivy – but I have other plants growing – marigolds, basil and others…

5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out

6. clean out my desk ½ done… cleaned out the major part of it…

7. clean out my closet ---did, and needs to be done again... can you believe that?

8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)

9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room

10. Clean out craft bin

11. Figure out a "life plan"

For the Best of Me

12. Read the Bible at its entirety

13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 weeks

14.excersize 4 times a week for a month

15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)

16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)

17. get a manicure & Pedicure

18. get new eyeglasses-- love them!!

19. Do a teeth whitening program

20.Learn CPR

21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)

22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...

23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.

24 Blog once a week—getting there...

25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.

26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)

27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)

28 Make my own bread


29 Go to a hot air balloon festival

30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)

31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)

32 Go to at least one professional game

33 go to the zoo

34 go to the botanical gardens

35 go to a college football game

36 Go to a museum


:37 take a picture every day for a month

38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)

39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority

40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2

41 Sell a photo

42 get a website for my photos

43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)

44 make a real photo portfolio

45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.

46 Print various pics for mom

47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)

48 Learn how to photograph portraits

49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)

TO Do/ Buy

50 get laptop fixed

51 Go camping

52 get a new monitor for computer

53 Get a phone

54 Get a sewing machine

55 Get a external hard drive

56 buy a shredder

57 Back up data from computer

58 Get a library card

59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card

60 frame 5 photos

61 Get a small digital camera.

62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings

63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother

64 go to a festival

For FUn

:65. Learn to play a new instrument

66 Watch the stars

67 go fishing

68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching

69.Learn how to paint

70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls

71. go play a real golf game.

72 go to a drive in theater

73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon

.74 plan a surprise

75. host a game night

76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself

77. Fly somewhere...

78 Fly a kite

79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)

80. finish college scrapbook

81. take vitamins every day fora month

82. Get a jewelery box

83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....

.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook

.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks

86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop

87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)Accomplished on May 2 – we did “Give me your Eyes” – By Brandon Heath – He sang, played his mandolin – and I Signed. It was great 

88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)


89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (5/30)

For The best of everyone

90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (0/10)

91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)

92. Start recycling more

93.Learn how to drive a stick shift

94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)

95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)

96 start working on posture

97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)

98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)

99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.

100pray for someone everyday.

101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves

Goals Should be completed by August 16, 2012.

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