I hope that everyone had a wonderful christmas!
I did - lots of time with friends and family :) always the best.
One thing that we did not do, which i m sure there is still time - but we never went to go look at christmas lights this year, something that i've always done - (i think there was like one or two years that we did not do that...) but Something that i always enjoy doing... sipping on hot chocolate and riding around in the car, with christmas music tuned into the radio as we ride around neighborhoods commenting on how we like how they did the lights, and the color combinations and such.
I usually make gifts every year, however - this year i did not. i only made a few people gifts (ornaments) - everyone else i did buy gifts for.
Ill be making some more ornaments soon (my grandma broke hers)
I have made a couple of different ornaments- Ive made ornaments in decoupage - one year i got some clear glass bulbs and put glitter on it, with peoples initials, this year, I got some white ornaments and got a black paint pen - and wrote a scripture on each ornament (i did the same scripture for everyone.) - i did a scripture verse about Jesus' birth.
I think next year ill do something along the same lines, but make it a little better.
those that got the ornaments really enjoyed them, and really couldnt wait to hang them on their tree... (until my grandma dropped hers and it broke... she put her hands to her face and was like "OH NO"-- but then i said - dont worrry - ill make you another one it doest take but about 5 minutes. she was quickly releived. haha. it was funny.)))
So - whos keeping watch of the after christmas sales???
I know that Kohls is haveing an after christmas blitz clearance --- I know some goods stuff on sale - i know i got a sweater a few weeks ago (for $13)... now sweater is 9.99.
Target has some stuff on sale... thats all i've really even looked at today. :)
Have a safe New year, Everyone!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
taking a peek at christmas time.
hello there friends-
I Just wanted to post a few things that have been going on in my life-- not much - just an update
I did lose my job last week - so i am job hunting. horrible time to be out of a job... and yet kinda nice...
lol - sad because i wont be able to get as many gifts as I want to give -- so it will definitely be a slim Christmas to my friends and family - seems like alot of people are slimming down this Christmas...
my thoughts on that...
i love it.
i think we need to get back to the basics-- and remember to remember the reason for the season ---
Jesus! Christ was born for US!!!
I know we like to think about ourselves for christmas, but i think that this would be a great year to start a tradition --- Ill post in the next few days some ideas for helping others --- something that is stong on my heart all the time.
I understand the need for being with family and friends and exchanging gifts, but i just ask you, can you cut down on the materialistic things that you give one another, and instead put that money that you would get someone a gift (that would be put in the closet and never come out again) and help someone else?
just a thought.
Anyways --
Lets see got my new camera. expect photos soon :) haha.
Keeping busy -- time to start thinking about the holidays- time to start really thinking on christmas gifts and buying / making :) before you know it, it will all be over..
alrighty not much of an update -- but seriously, thats it. haha.
Monday, November 15, 2010
More Black Friday Ads have been Released

I wish i could find some statistics for how many people wait outside Wal-Mart to Open on Black friday--- well or any statistics about black friday --- Ill try to research some more -- i think it is interesting to see how many people venture out for BF.
I do think it is safe to say that There will probably be PLENTY of people that will be lined up at Walmarts across the Country.
Which just made me think of something--- I wonder - would walmarts on the outskirts of town, like in smaller towns still have many people waiting at the door when it came time to open? they may not have the stock that the walmart's here in the City have but i just wonder..... Do people from the "Big City" go out to little towns to take advantage of smaller lines???
Do small town Walmarts open like at midnight??? -- or do they wait til like 5 or 7am??
interesting... hmm.
Enough of my curiousity. on to the ads.
Wal-Mart has relased their ad --- http://www.black-friday.net/walmart-ad-scan.html#
Over the weekend Staples, office max and office depot put up their ads. --- i didnt see anything spectacular -- but maybe you will.
Staples: http://www.black-friday.net/staples-ad-scan.html
Office Max: http://www.black-friday.net/officemax-ad-scan.html#
Office Depot http://www.black-friday.net/officedepot-ad-scan.html
Old Navy's Gobble Palooza http://www.black-friday.net/oldnavy-ad-scan.html
Friday, November 12, 2010
2 Weeks 'til Black Friday!!!
Can you believe that Black Friday is 2 weeks from today????
I know I cant.seems like we were just sitting outside watching the fireworks for the fourth of July --
Stores are really hyping up their big sales for Black friday (and sales prior to it) ---For obvious reasons in this economic time.
I've seen some pretty good deals so far. :)
I normally am not one to even step foot inside a store on the day after Thanksgiving -- i did go to an outlet mall a few years ago - and it was not crowded at all... we went later in the day so that may have had something to do with it -- but if i can find something that looks good - for gifts or for myself for this holiday season - then I may venture out... not sure.
What kind of things are you looking for to purchase during black friday --- or CyberMonday? ----
Electronics? Games? clothes?Home accessories?appliances?
what is your Plan of Action? Does your family have a tradition to go shopping for black friday?
Lets start planning what we going to get / where we are going to shop -- Some stores have already realeased their ads ---
I expect in the coming days they will be releasing more - that way people can start get excited and start planning of where they can get the best deals...
Which I will be keeping watch, then post on here my findings.
Thanks to http://www.black-friday.net/ -- who has lots of places that have their posted and information reguarding Black Friday.
Online Stores:
Amazon has had a "Deal of the day" until Black friday--- I have missed the boat on this one--
Big Box stores
Target --- http://www.black-friday.net/target-ad-scan.html#
Lots of good deals on lots of items - clothes, electronics, toys -- you name it..
Walmart has not put up their Black friday ad yet --- stay tuned though.
if I had to guess--- most people are heading out to look @ electronics for black friday---
Everyone wants a new tv... or some movies-- or a sound system--- or MP3 player--- maybe even a digital reader ---
Best buy :
As I was writing this post - the site that i've been scouring - (http://www.black-friday.net/ ) posted a new post on their site--- with the Best Buy ad :)
so take a look for yourself. http://www.black-friday.net/best-buy-ad-scan.html#
Newegg is an online store - mainly known for its electronics - even before the christmas sales - they have deals I think every week or so...
Newegg has been having "Black November" - Every friday in November they have had deals -- Of course i probably mentioned this a few weeks ago so that way you could have maximized your online shopping experience.
Radio Shack -
Home Improvement
Lookin' at buyin' something for the guy in your life?? - - how about a new drill?
or need a new christmas tree or decorations for the yard....
Ace Hardware
Sports & Outdoors:
Bass Pro Ad:
Clothing and such:
Kohls: ad -
Gap/Old Navy/ Banana Republic
"Give and Get" from November 11-14th -
30% off with the coupon - (See the small print on the coupon ) Its for in-store only.
5% will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society -- Save for Christmas --and help others how great :)
pretty cool :)
JC Penney -
Arts & Crafts-
Maybe you're making some gifts - or purchasing for someone who is crafty ---
Micheals -
Shopping For kids?
-- Yup.. .Toys R' Us as their Ad up...
Do YOU know of any deals going on???? --- Comment --- and let me know. :)
I know I cant.seems like we were just sitting outside watching the fireworks for the fourth of July --
Stores are really hyping up their big sales for Black friday (and sales prior to it) ---For obvious reasons in this economic time.
I've seen some pretty good deals so far. :)
I normally am not one to even step foot inside a store on the day after Thanksgiving -- i did go to an outlet mall a few years ago - and it was not crowded at all... we went later in the day so that may have had something to do with it -- but if i can find something that looks good - for gifts or for myself for this holiday season - then I may venture out... not sure.
What kind of things are you looking for to purchase during black friday --- or CyberMonday? ----
Electronics? Games? clothes?Home accessories?appliances?
what is your Plan of Action? Does your family have a tradition to go shopping for black friday?
Lets start planning what we going to get / where we are going to shop -- Some stores have already realeased their ads ---
I expect in the coming days they will be releasing more - that way people can start get excited and start planning of where they can get the best deals...
Which I will be keeping watch, then post on here my findings.
Thanks to http://www.black-friday.net/ -- who has lots of places that have their posted and information reguarding Black Friday.
Online Stores:
Amazon has had a "Deal of the day" until Black friday--- I have missed the boat on this one--
Big Box stores
Target --- http://www.black-friday.net/target-ad-scan.html#
Lots of good deals on lots of items - clothes, electronics, toys -- you name it..
Walmart has not put up their Black friday ad yet --- stay tuned though.
if I had to guess--- most people are heading out to look @ electronics for black friday---
Everyone wants a new tv... or some movies-- or a sound system--- or MP3 player--- maybe even a digital reader ---
Best buy :
As I was writing this post - the site that i've been scouring - (http://www.black-friday.net/ ) posted a new post on their site--- with the Best Buy ad :)
so take a look for yourself. http://www.black-friday.net/best-buy-ad-scan.html#
Newegg is an online store - mainly known for its electronics - even before the christmas sales - they have deals I think every week or so...
Newegg has been having "Black November" - Every friday in November they have had deals -- Of course i probably mentioned this a few weeks ago so that way you could have maximized your online shopping experience.
Radio Shack -
Home Improvement
Lookin' at buyin' something for the guy in your life?? - - how about a new drill?
or need a new christmas tree or decorations for the yard....
Ace Hardware
Sports & Outdoors:
Bass Pro Ad:
Clothing and such:
Kohls: ad -
Gap/Old Navy/ Banana Republic
"Give and Get" from November 11-14th -
30% off with the coupon - (See the small print on the coupon ) Its for in-store only.
5% will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society -- Save for Christmas --and help others how great :)
pretty cool :)
JC Penney -
Arts & Crafts-
Maybe you're making some gifts - or purchasing for someone who is crafty ---
Micheals -
Shopping For kids?
-- Yup.. .Toys R' Us as their Ad up...
Do YOU know of any deals going on???? --- Comment --- and let me know. :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Recap of the weekend
Friday -
Went to my first Haunted house -- it was fun... i survived... thank goodness -- but yeah... while i was scared in the moment, looking back - its just like " that was fun :) "
Saturday night we had a halloween party - it was fun :) we had a nice turnout. about 12 people I think ...
most were dressed up... i think there was like 2 people that didnt dress up. so yeah..
most people knew who i was dressed as.. which was pretty awesome. :)

Rangers won -- on saturday evening. (im starting to think that when I dont watch the game they win.)
Sunday - went to church, then went to lunch with my best friend. I love having afternoons where we just "catch-up"
then went home, did homework, then went and watched the game, and continued on homework.
- Rangers lost...
Tonight I will not be watching the game. ill be working on hmwk not worrying about the game.
bc we have to win tonight... we just gotta ... im not ready for the world series to be over.
ok -- consider yourself caught up on my life.
Went to my first Haunted house -- it was fun... i survived... thank goodness -- but yeah... while i was scared in the moment, looking back - its just like " that was fun :) "
Saturday night we had a halloween party - it was fun :) we had a nice turnout. about 12 people I think ...
most were dressed up... i think there was like 2 people that didnt dress up. so yeah..
most people knew who i was dressed as.. which was pretty awesome. :)

Rangers won -- on saturday evening. (im starting to think that when I dont watch the game they win.)
Sunday - went to church, then went to lunch with my best friend. I love having afternoons where we just "catch-up"
then went home, did homework, then went and watched the game, and continued on homework.
- Rangers lost...
Tonight I will not be watching the game. ill be working on hmwk not worrying about the game.
bc we have to win tonight... we just gotta ... im not ready for the world series to be over.
ok -- consider yourself caught up on my life.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Can I PLEASE say that we are going to the World Series, NOW?
I know i was optomistic about the Rangers going to the world series... and quite frankly I had no idea we would... of course.. but i was just really really hoping we would, just this one time... (and maybe next year too.) I know that there was some negative feeback, that we wouldnt be going, and to basically not be surprised if we dont make it.... but its not like I put all of my energy into that the Rangers MUST win.... no... im not like that... really no one should.. but I know that there are some extreme fans out there... that just would have been so depressed and angry if the rangers did NOT make it this far... of course now everyones expectations are just THAT much higher, im sure many people are thinking we MUST win the World Series now.... but anyways--
needless to say im thrilled that the rangers are going to the world series. :) its soo exciting. The rangers have never been to the world series.
On friday evening, I was talking to my dad in the top half of the 5th inning (i was driving) - dad told me it was 1-1... i was scared that we wouldnt win.. -- For a few moments I thought (no
i ran into my apt really fast to grab something... as i was driving through the complex, many back doors were open and you could see the game going... as i was lockign the door behind me - all of a sudden there was an uproar from the complex... i knew something good had happened.. dad called me as i was going down the stairs, told me its 5-1 now!!! yaaah i couldnt believe it! we were winning.
I went over to a friends house to watch the remainder of the game. i was driving over there, had the game on in the car--- they were saying "everyone is standing up... it looks like Kyle Field" - (talking about how a&m aggies stand during their whole game... the people in the stands..)--- it was really great feeling when i got to the tv and could see that everyone was standing... and how everyone was in red... all you could see was red :) (and speckled with some blue and white.) it was so great seeing everyone having so much pride for their team.

The first game of the world series begins wednesday night, against the San Francisco Giants, in San Francisco. -- The first game back in arlington will be on Saturday (which i may have tickets to one of the home games... a BIG maybe)
Ticket prices are now $500 + a ticket... yeah.. i typed that right... $500. we may get tickets for $125 / $175.... but we will have to see.
I think that its just really cool.. this time next week we could be World Series Champs.... or whatever---
just cool to think about... I think we done pretty good. :) if this is as far as we get, i would be ok with that... however how cool would it be if we WIN the world series?? --- pretty cool.
ticket sales for next year would be better.. .rather than the 1/2 empty stadium like it was at the first of this season, since they went to the world series... which would be good.
I think that since they've gotten this far it has given a since of positive unity. :) --- i know... weird... but the majority of the people that i know are rooting for the rangers.
People are cancelling events to just watch the World Series... We are cancelling / rescheduling activities that are normally held at the church on wedndesday evenings... something that like never happens.
anyways... we'll see what happens... :)
Go rangers!
needless to say im thrilled that the rangers are going to the world series. :) its soo exciting. The rangers have never been to the world series.
On friday evening, I was talking to my dad in the top half of the 5th inning (i was driving) - dad told me it was 1-1... i was scared that we wouldnt win.. -- For a few moments I thought (no
i ran into my apt really fast to grab something... as i was driving through the complex, many back doors were open and you could see the game going... as i was lockign the door behind me - all of a sudden there was an uproar from the complex... i knew something good had happened.. dad called me as i was going down the stairs, told me its 5-1 now!!! yaaah i couldnt believe it! we were winning.
I went over to a friends house to watch the remainder of the game. i was driving over there, had the game on in the car--- they were saying "everyone is standing up... it looks like Kyle Field" - (talking about how a&m aggies stand during their whole game... the people in the stands..)--- it was really great feeling when i got to the tv and could see that everyone was standing... and how everyone was in red... all you could see was red :) (and speckled with some blue and white.) it was so great seeing everyone having so much pride for their team.

The first game of the world series begins wednesday night, against the San Francisco Giants, in San Francisco. -- The first game back in arlington will be on Saturday (which i may have tickets to one of the home games... a BIG maybe)
Ticket prices are now $500 + a ticket... yeah.. i typed that right... $500. we may get tickets for $125 / $175.... but we will have to see.
I think that its just really cool.. this time next week we could be World Series Champs.... or whatever---
just cool to think about... I think we done pretty good. :) if this is as far as we get, i would be ok with that... however how cool would it be if we WIN the world series?? --- pretty cool.
ticket sales for next year would be better.. .rather than the 1/2 empty stadium like it was at the first of this season, since they went to the world series... which would be good.
I think that since they've gotten this far it has given a since of positive unity. :) --- i know... weird... but the majority of the people that i know are rooting for the rangers.
People are cancelling events to just watch the World Series... We are cancelling / rescheduling activities that are normally held at the church on wedndesday evenings... something that like never happens.
anyways... we'll see what happens... :)
Go rangers!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Halloween Costume... Audrey Hepburn
Taking a time-out for rangers update... they lost yesterday, by the way... but hopeuflly we'll win friday (it will be played back here...well, in arlington.)
So this year, i started early on halloween costume... eeer let me rephrase that.. i started THINKING early on halloween costume. im really not one who changes their mind a million times before deciding up on one...
if you would have asked me. 3 months ago, i was going to be Lady Gaga. (very out of character for me...) --- when I discovered that it was goign to be a popular choice this year, i decided against it (that, and the fact that it would be alot of work coming up with a costume ... this was before i realized that they have packaged Gaga costumes)

I am not a fan of packaged costumes.. .theres no fun in packeged costumes... i like trying to find the perfect outfit for who i want to be...
continuing on...
if you would have asked me 2 weeks ago what i was going to be..... i would have answered "princess leia.."

I thought i found a good dress ... well it actually was given to me... but anyways... i decided to NOT be her...
I watched "Breakfast at Tiffanys" last week... and decided "im going to be audrey Hepburn for halloween.

I have a black dress (no not perfect for what she has... ) then i got long black gloves, Im not going to spend $20 on a tiara that im going to wear for one night... this is going to be a cheap costume. so yesterday I got some hair combs, and im going to put shiney "jewels" on it.. we will see how it comes out... I have had a hard time finding a cigarette holder like what she has in the movie, so i got a 29cent stick from micheals yesterday... my boyfriend is dressing up as Han Solo... and he had to paint his gun... so will be using leftover black paint to paint the stick.
I got some beads... which will do :)
all i lack are some shoes... black High heels.... if nothing else, i can wear some other shoes i've got... (most likely what i'll do, since im trying to save money here.
I know i do not have brown/black hair... so prob wont be exactlly be like her... i may get some of that spray that you spray in your hair, that will wash out... we'll see.
So far i've spent about $20 on the costume... and still need to get some make-up... (stuff that I can use in the future... i think)
so i cant wait....
Maybe ill have some pictures up soon.
only a week and couple of days 'til halloween! wooo!
cant believe how time has flown.
So this year, i started early on halloween costume... eeer let me rephrase that.. i started THINKING early on halloween costume. im really not one who changes their mind a million times before deciding up on one...
if you would have asked me. 3 months ago, i was going to be Lady Gaga. (very out of character for me...) --- when I discovered that it was goign to be a popular choice this year, i decided against it (that, and the fact that it would be alot of work coming up with a costume ... this was before i realized that they have packaged Gaga costumes)

I am not a fan of packaged costumes.. .theres no fun in packeged costumes... i like trying to find the perfect outfit for who i want to be...
continuing on...
if you would have asked me 2 weeks ago what i was going to be..... i would have answered "princess leia.."

I thought i found a good dress ... well it actually was given to me... but anyways... i decided to NOT be her...
I watched "Breakfast at Tiffanys" last week... and decided "im going to be audrey Hepburn for halloween.
I have a black dress (no not perfect for what she has... ) then i got long black gloves, Im not going to spend $20 on a tiara that im going to wear for one night... this is going to be a cheap costume. so yesterday I got some hair combs, and im going to put shiney "jewels" on it.. we will see how it comes out... I have had a hard time finding a cigarette holder like what she has in the movie, so i got a 29cent stick from micheals yesterday... my boyfriend is dressing up as Han Solo... and he had to paint his gun... so will be using leftover black paint to paint the stick.
I got some beads... which will do :)
all i lack are some shoes... black High heels.... if nothing else, i can wear some other shoes i've got... (most likely what i'll do, since im trying to save money here.
I know i do not have brown/black hair... so prob wont be exactlly be like her... i may get some of that spray that you spray in your hair, that will wash out... we'll see.
So far i've spent about $20 on the costume... and still need to get some make-up... (stuff that I can use in the future... i think)
so i cant wait....
Maybe ill have some pictures up soon.
only a week and couple of days 'til halloween! wooo!
cant believe how time has flown.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Yep, we did it again :)
Now, i missed the game last night, i checked the score a couple of times, but didnt wtch it... SO, pointless update... but we did win.... TX 10.. NY 3...
SO, Good job once again, Rangers.
Next game is today--- at 3pm our time..
Im sure that there will be lots of people sticking by their desks today to listen to the game, or keeping watch on the computer...
we will have to see what happens.
Now, i missed the game last night, i checked the score a couple of times, but didnt wtch it... SO, pointless update... but we did win.... TX 10.. NY 3...
SO, Good job once again, Rangers.
Next game is today--- at 3pm our time..
Im sure that there will be lots of people sticking by their desks today to listen to the game, or keeping watch on the computer...
we will have to see what happens.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
World Series... Here we COME!
... Well maybe.???
I had the radio going and was watching on the Rangers website (they have a diagram that I watch...) i know im pitiful, but I dont have tv service....
Texas was up in New York Last night, the game was at 7:00 last night--- (our time)
So based from what I saw / heard.... in the 2nd Inning we were 2-0 (texas) --- then I really listened in the 9th inning...i cant remember specifics... but all i know is that texas completely shutout...the Yankees. :)
the final score was 8-0.
amazing. :)
Thought it was funny- according to the radio - they were saying in the 8th Inning the yankee fans were leaving in droves... they KNEW that they didnt have a chance to catch up.
I just want to say --- great Job to the Rangers.. I can forsee us in the World Series already....
will i buy world series tickets? probably not (too expensive.)
but really hope they get there.
They play again tonight, still in NY- at 7pm...
hopefully they will beat them again :)
I had the radio going and was watching on the Rangers website (they have a diagram that I watch...) i know im pitiful, but I dont have tv service....
Texas was up in New York Last night, the game was at 7:00 last night--- (our time)
So based from what I saw / heard.... in the 2nd Inning we were 2-0 (texas) --- then I really listened in the 9th inning...i cant remember specifics... but all i know is that texas completely shutout...the Yankees. :)
the final score was 8-0.
amazing. :)
Thought it was funny- according to the radio - they were saying in the 8th Inning the yankee fans were leaving in droves... they KNEW that they didnt have a chance to catch up.
I just want to say --- great Job to the Rangers.. I can forsee us in the World Series already....
will i buy world series tickets? probably not (too expensive.)
but really hope they get there.
They play again tonight, still in NY- at 7pm...
hopefully they will beat them again :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Texas Rangers!
Won one, Lost one So far....
First game was on friday October 15 2010... in Arlington, Texas. ....
Lost the first Game against the Yankees --- I kind of watched the first game--- We were ahead by so much-- it was like 5-0 or something... and i thought for sure we had it... so i stopped paying attention, next thing I know, we were like losing... so I know we all were so disappointed....Rangers lost by one point.... Rangers 5 ... Yankees 6...
The next game was saturday afternoon, still in Arlington, Texas... I didnt get to watch any of it... i kept track of it online, we were ahead for all of the game, as far as I can tell... we won - Rangers 7- NY 2.
Game 3 is tonight, up in New York... hope our Rangers will keep it up... hope they got over thier nervousness and will defeat them :) Game starts at 7:07 my time... so once again I wont be watching on the tv, but will keep watch on the computer. :)
That is my Rangers Update :)
First game was on friday October 15 2010... in Arlington, Texas. ....
Lost the first Game against the Yankees --- I kind of watched the first game--- We were ahead by so much-- it was like 5-0 or something... and i thought for sure we had it... so i stopped paying attention, next thing I know, we were like losing... so I know we all were so disappointed....Rangers lost by one point.... Rangers 5 ... Yankees 6...
The next game was saturday afternoon, still in Arlington, Texas... I didnt get to watch any of it... i kept track of it online, we were ahead for all of the game, as far as I can tell... we won - Rangers 7- NY 2.
Game 3 is tonight, up in New York... hope our Rangers will keep it up... hope they got over thier nervousness and will defeat them :) Game starts at 7:07 my time... so once again I wont be watching on the tv, but will keep watch on the computer. :)
That is my Rangers Update :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Alrighty-- lots going on..
Texas Rangers are in thePlayoffs!! tonight rangers vs yankees... gonna be good. i cant wait.. soo awesome... just a sense of unity... i dont know..
Today i went to a sports store (Acadamy - Sports and Outdoors) went to go get my dad a t-shirt...
i WAS going to get him tix to the game, but they were too expensive for my budget... so i know he will be happy with the shirt... probably more so than the ticket... ehhh probably not.. but its all i can do for right now...
anyways so while I was in the store, everyone was so nice-- everyone was hovering over the Rangers merchandise... there was a lady, we both ewere going through the shirts trying to find different sized.. she was looking for a shirt with "hamilton" on the back of it, in an XL, I was looking for a "Lee" in an XL... so here we are going through... she found her shirt, i mosied on over to a different rack.. just funny we all were there for the same reason....
our home team had made it to the playoffs.... we all were going to go to some sort of watch party or to the actual game, and we are looking for a shirt to wear so we can seem like we are into the game. :) i dunno.. but after 39 years of the rangers never making it this far...pretty awesome.
like my dad said the other day... Cliff Lee is like the Moses of this time.. haha... anyways---
while im not HUGE into baseball, i grew up with it, with my brother playing it from t-ball and into highschool.. i try to at least keep up with if they won or lose (i work with alot of guys, so talkign about the game the night before, or at least knowing how the home team did..... it helps in awkward moments when walking down the hallway or whatnot..) anyways--- so i cant wait.
Tonight my family is getting together at my granny's to watch the game-- will be fun.
Lets see....
i moved last month due to my apt being broken into... not sure if i've shared that or not..
so im in a new apt, love it.. feel much more safe.
despite my noisy neighbors..
but love the actual apartment, so nice and big, im being more organized... well for the most part.
I have to clean house this weekend... laundry's overflowin... dishes are stacked... and closet is a mess, but if i work hard for like an hour, it will be fabulous.
I want to make some curtains for my living room and for my bedroom.
i need to still hang pictures.. then thats it.. :) it will really feel like home.
I have got to figure out a different way to organize my closet... its horrible.
i want to have a game night in November... so i gotta get it really in shape... and have people over and everything..
while im at it...
i also got word im losing my job... so once again, on the job hunt...
i went to University of North Texas (UNT) to look at it..
i know i want to go there..
just i wanted to talk to the Journalism dept to see about getting into photojourn. looks like i can.. (gotta get grades up first so it will prob be next summer or next fall. :) so its exciting... something that i really cant wait for.
i loved being up there.. loved the atmospere, i cant wait til i can get up there... they were doing a "slushie " thing, from Glee-- where they pour slushie on yuou... it was so funny-- different sororities and Fraternaties were doing some other stuff. just a fun atmosphere...
alrighty think you are all up to date :)
Go rangers!!!
Texas Rangers are in thePlayoffs!! tonight rangers vs yankees... gonna be good. i cant wait.. soo awesome... just a sense of unity... i dont know..
Today i went to a sports store (Acadamy - Sports and Outdoors) went to go get my dad a t-shirt...
i WAS going to get him tix to the game, but they were too expensive for my budget... so i know he will be happy with the shirt... probably more so than the ticket... ehhh probably not.. but its all i can do for right now...
anyways so while I was in the store, everyone was so nice-- everyone was hovering over the Rangers merchandise... there was a lady, we both ewere going through the shirts trying to find different sized.. she was looking for a shirt with "hamilton" on the back of it, in an XL, I was looking for a "Lee" in an XL... so here we are going through... she found her shirt, i mosied on over to a different rack.. just funny we all were there for the same reason....
our home team had made it to the playoffs.... we all were going to go to some sort of watch party or to the actual game, and we are looking for a shirt to wear so we can seem like we are into the game. :) i dunno.. but after 39 years of the rangers never making it this far...pretty awesome.
like my dad said the other day... Cliff Lee is like the Moses of this time.. haha... anyways---
while im not HUGE into baseball, i grew up with it, with my brother playing it from t-ball and into highschool.. i try to at least keep up with if they won or lose (i work with alot of guys, so talkign about the game the night before, or at least knowing how the home team did..... it helps in awkward moments when walking down the hallway or whatnot..) anyways--- so i cant wait.
Tonight my family is getting together at my granny's to watch the game-- will be fun.
Lets see....
i moved last month due to my apt being broken into... not sure if i've shared that or not..
so im in a new apt, love it.. feel much more safe.
despite my noisy neighbors..
but love the actual apartment, so nice and big, im being more organized... well for the most part.
I have to clean house this weekend... laundry's overflowin... dishes are stacked... and closet is a mess, but if i work hard for like an hour, it will be fabulous.
I want to make some curtains for my living room and for my bedroom.
i need to still hang pictures.. then thats it.. :) it will really feel like home.
I have got to figure out a different way to organize my closet... its horrible.
i want to have a game night in November... so i gotta get it really in shape... and have people over and everything..
while im at it...
i also got word im losing my job... so once again, on the job hunt...
i went to University of North Texas (UNT) to look at it..
i know i want to go there..
just i wanted to talk to the Journalism dept to see about getting into photojourn. looks like i can.. (gotta get grades up first so it will prob be next summer or next fall. :) so its exciting... something that i really cant wait for.
i loved being up there.. loved the atmospere, i cant wait til i can get up there... they were doing a "slushie " thing, from Glee-- where they pour slushie on yuou... it was so funny-- different sororities and Fraternaties were doing some other stuff. just a fun atmosphere...
alrighty think you are all up to date :)
Go rangers!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Its October~
Happy Fall - Everyone!
Welcome to my favorite season ---
Season filled with Change -- leaves are changing, weather is changing--- ya know.. the usual. - State fair is in town, high school football is going on (well i guess all football is going on, but i only care about hs) my tv shows are back on from being on summer break - coffeeshops are diggin' out their fall flavors (mmm... :) ) (cant wait to spend some time @ roots this season!)
So glad we are not longer seeing the triple digits here in Texas. :) - last weekend a cool front came through, and it was just awesome. i've had windows/ doors open a few times this week and the a/c off. :) makes me happy. i'm tellin' ya, doesnt take much to make this girl happy.
Time to start finding the "perfect" pumpkin, figuring out Halloween costume and plans, time to start looking up recipes for thanksgiving, i hope to contribute this year with some recipes, already found a yummy cheese cake to make.... then of course, starting to think about Christmas. my oh my how time has flown. (in some spots it slowed way down) but it was a crazy year... but good. I kow that God has a lot of big plans for me, i know that he is 'prepping' me for what is to come--- and i cant wait to see what he has in store. - ---
we've got 3 months left of this year.
Welcome to my favorite season ---
Season filled with Change -- leaves are changing, weather is changing--- ya know.. the usual. - State fair is in town, high school football is going on (well i guess all football is going on, but i only care about hs) my tv shows are back on from being on summer break - coffeeshops are diggin' out their fall flavors (mmm... :) ) (cant wait to spend some time @ roots this season!)
So glad we are not longer seeing the triple digits here in Texas. :) - last weekend a cool front came through, and it was just awesome. i've had windows/ doors open a few times this week and the a/c off. :) makes me happy. i'm tellin' ya, doesnt take much to make this girl happy.
Time to start finding the "perfect" pumpkin, figuring out Halloween costume and plans, time to start looking up recipes for thanksgiving, i hope to contribute this year with some recipes, already found a yummy cheese cake to make.... then of course, starting to think about Christmas. my oh my how time has flown. (in some spots it slowed way down) but it was a crazy year... but good. I kow that God has a lot of big plans for me, i know that he is 'prepping' me for what is to come--- and i cant wait to see what he has in store. - ---
we've got 3 months left of this year.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
101 Update
Got a few things knocked off my 101 list :) - still quite a bit to go... but will be good.
1. learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (1/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive. – failed with the ivy – but I have other plants growing – marigolds, basil and others…
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out
6. clean out my desk ½ done… cleaned out the major part of it…
7. clean out my closet ---did --- and moved-- now the key is to keeping it clean :)
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 weeks
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses-- love them!!
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week—getting there...
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival- Completed on 9/19/2010 (plano Balloon Festival)
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings- Coins were stolen – working on new jar of coins.
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop – loved to do this – will be doing again.
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)Accomplished on May 2 – we did “Give me your Eyes” – By Brandon Heath – He sang, played his mandolin – and I Signed. It was great
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (7/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (1/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
1. learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (1/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive. – failed with the ivy – but I have other plants growing – marigolds, basil and others…
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out
6. clean out my desk ½ done… cleaned out the major part of it…
7. clean out my closet ---did --- and moved-- now the key is to keeping it clean :)
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 weeks
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses-- love them!!
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week—getting there...
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival- Completed on 9/19/2010 (plano Balloon Festival)
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings- Coins were stolen – working on new jar of coins.
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop – loved to do this – will be doing again.
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)Accomplished on May 2 – we did “Give me your Eyes” – By Brandon Heath – He sang, played his mandolin – and I Signed. It was great
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (7/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (1/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
Friday, July 23, 2010
Roots Coffeehouse- Review
shoI have been having a hard time finding something for me to review, then it hit me this morning... why not review the Coffehouse that I frequent. No, its not a chain or anything, so pretty much if you are in the mid-cities area of dfw, this is for you, for the rest of you.... you can just read, or move on :)
Roots Coffehouse, located in North Richland Hills, Tx. -
Since I tend to go to Roots on a weekly basis..... thats a good indicator that it is good. - so far i have loved everything that I have tried....
Roots serves Fair-Trade Coffee- one of the few coffeehouses in dfw that supports Fair trade-
its good knowing that you are helping farmers and people of poverty land - when you are drinking that cup of coffee.
-the most frequent that I get there: - Mocha Frappe- with chocolate syrup. ... nice and cool, with that little hint of coffee.
-the next frequent that i get: - Strawberry -bananna smoothie (if i drink coffee drinks late in the evening i normally cant go to sleep... so when i go in the eve, i get a smoothie- the strawberrry bananna, when i first tried it... it was good, and just stuck with it.
-I tried the Peach smoothie yesterday - it was good (but strawberry bananna being my favorite)
- i enjoy their iced mocha -- ( i think thats what its called) i've had it a couple of times, i have learned that i enjoy it better with cream.
-Their drip coffee is good too --- if i go there in the mornings, this is what i get. :)
The atmosphere is what I go for - I know that its nice and calm. plenty of seats .... you may not be able to snag the nice big comfy chairs - but yeah--- if you're working on your laptop or doing papers or something - then the little tables are good for that - they do have free wi-fi, however i have never used it.
They have live music on friday and saturday evenings.... they are usually good --- just nice to support the local artists.
-which roots does a great job doing.
I love to support businesses that arent driven in the corporate world (ahem--- Starbucks) -
the baristas are friendly -
good seating, comfortable atmosphere. :-)
Roots Coffehouse, located in North Richland Hills, Tx. -
Since I tend to go to Roots on a weekly basis..... thats a good indicator that it is good. - so far i have loved everything that I have tried....
Roots serves Fair-Trade Coffee- one of the few coffeehouses in dfw that supports Fair trade-
its good knowing that you are helping farmers and people of poverty land - when you are drinking that cup of coffee.
-the most frequent that I get there: - Mocha Frappe- with chocolate syrup. ... nice and cool, with that little hint of coffee.
-the next frequent that i get: - Strawberry -bananna smoothie (if i drink coffee drinks late in the evening i normally cant go to sleep... so when i go in the eve, i get a smoothie- the strawberrry bananna, when i first tried it... it was good, and just stuck with it.
-I tried the Peach smoothie yesterday - it was good (but strawberry bananna being my favorite)
- i enjoy their iced mocha -- ( i think thats what its called) i've had it a couple of times, i have learned that i enjoy it better with cream.
-Their drip coffee is good too --- if i go there in the mornings, this is what i get. :)
The atmosphere is what I go for - I know that its nice and calm. plenty of seats .... you may not be able to snag the nice big comfy chairs - but yeah--- if you're working on your laptop or doing papers or something - then the little tables are good for that - they do have free wi-fi, however i have never used it.
They have live music on friday and saturday evenings.... they are usually good --- just nice to support the local artists.
-which roots does a great job doing.
they showcase local artwork from local artists. - in fact right now, they have a gallery up, where you can put your own pictures on it... its really great.(im a photographer, so i will be putting up some of my work on it.)
I love to support businesses that arent driven in the corporate world (ahem--- Starbucks) -
the baristas are friendly -
good seating, comfortable atmosphere. :-)
So i give this 5 stars.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The summer duldrums
here we are..... its summertime in texas.
while in general we've had a pretty wet summer--- lots of rain --- however... the humidity is aweful, therefore making it being outdoors almost like a death sentence.
yesterday, the car read 109degrees. ------ i washed my car, and then we vaccummed it--- littereally dripping with sweat ---- we got back in the car and proceeded back home, a huge glass of ice water was slurped down, and we relaxed in the airconditioning. for the majority of the afternoon before we ventured back out into the heat, and went from store to store running errands.... everyone was sweating. - if you were not sweating --- you knew that they had JUST ventured out. (and they have a really good a/c) lol.
needless to say - im ready for the cooler weather. - only about 2 more months... (maybe 3) -
High School football season is quickly approaching -- (i am excited - i love the fall.) i love the crisp air, the leaves changing, the friday night football games - the just chilly enough to drink a hot drink - then the winter will approach.
school will be starting in just a little bit over a month.
(aaaah what happened to the summer???)
so im planning my summer vacation. - thinking going to head for the beach. (i know its hot... but i havent been to the beach in over 2 yrs. just ready to get away. change of scenery . before i get tied down to school, and everything else thats going on, gets really piled on...
Lets see----
thats all for now. i promise next post will have Reviews... or "trends" or something.
while in general we've had a pretty wet summer--- lots of rain --- however... the humidity is aweful, therefore making it being outdoors almost like a death sentence.
yesterday, the car read 109degrees. ------ i washed my car, and then we vaccummed it--- littereally dripping with sweat ---- we got back in the car and proceeded back home, a huge glass of ice water was slurped down, and we relaxed in the airconditioning. for the majority of the afternoon before we ventured back out into the heat, and went from store to store running errands.... everyone was sweating. - if you were not sweating --- you knew that they had JUST ventured out. (and they have a really good a/c) lol.
needless to say - im ready for the cooler weather. - only about 2 more months... (maybe 3) -
High School football season is quickly approaching -- (i am excited - i love the fall.) i love the crisp air, the leaves changing, the friday night football games - the just chilly enough to drink a hot drink - then the winter will approach.
school will be starting in just a little bit over a month.
(aaaah what happened to the summer???)
so im planning my summer vacation. - thinking going to head for the beach. (i know its hot... but i havent been to the beach in over 2 yrs. just ready to get away. change of scenery . before i get tied down to school, and everything else thats going on, gets really piled on...
Lets see----
thats all for now. i promise next post will have Reviews... or "trends" or something.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A possible turn for my blog??
Okie dokie...
JUST thinking on maybe incorporating various reviews and such on my blog... No worries, if something fantastic or completely unfantastic happens in my life, i will write about it...
But I think ill try and see what I can get my self into about Reviewing stuff such as :
JUST thinking on maybe incorporating various reviews and such on my blog... No worries, if something fantastic or completely unfantastic happens in my life, i will write about it...
But I think ill try and see what I can get my self into about Reviewing stuff such as :
- music
- movies
- books
- clothing / fashion
- food
- restaurants
- stores
- products
Maybe I'll even try new things... like gardening and tell you how it goes... or awesome ways to do things around the house (apt) or just good ideas or something...
i dunno...
Write in the comments below of what you think :-)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yes'siree.... it is summertime Here in Texas... gonna be a hot summer too...
so plenty of time at the lake, pools, in the cool air of the a/c...
this past weekend it was very warm--- everyone was scattering to be in cool places, as i was out and about, the stores had lots of customers...i drove by a local waterpark... CROWDED!!!!
i spent most of my saturday at a local coffeeshop that I just adore (nice and cool)- i spent the afternoon working on my youth lesson for sunday , and sipped on my nice cool mocha frap, and then an iced coffee. - i love spending time up there, its quiet, so got my lesson done, nice and cool, i love the employees, they've got some live music on friday and saturday nights... but, saturday,
My aunt met me up there and we just chatted away... it was really great... :) needless to say , since i did have coffee so late, i was wired.... (why cant i get it through my head that i cant drink coffee late in the day?- in my defense though, i did think that since it was earlier in the evening, i'd be alright.... im learning...) so basically, i got 4 hrs of sleep on saturday night, i had to teach Sunday school sunday morn, so i had to go to church. so glad i did. :-) it was a good day.
Lets see.... my brother has been working at a christian camp...for a few weeks - but after the first week he injured his foot... (fractured a tiny bone in his foot, and had some ligament damage) needless to say, he wont be working for next few weeks, hes taking it easy in a boot... and on crutches.... hes hoping that it heals properly so he can get back down to the camp and work......
Lets see - i guess thats about all thats going on in my life.
just kinda floatin' along...
job's goin alright... no changes...
i am very ready to go, and do and travel, and have fun and just relax, and not have to worry about everyday working... or at least to be doing something that I really like to do.
all in time, all in time.
I have just really been wanting to do something magnificent past few days - like i really want to make a huge difference in someones life...... just dont know what.... I'm praying about it...... seeing what God has in store for me.
k... thats all i got.
'til next time -
so plenty of time at the lake, pools, in the cool air of the a/c...
this past weekend it was very warm--- everyone was scattering to be in cool places, as i was out and about, the stores had lots of customers...i drove by a local waterpark... CROWDED!!!!
i spent most of my saturday at a local coffeeshop that I just adore (nice and cool)- i spent the afternoon working on my youth lesson for sunday , and sipped on my nice cool mocha frap, and then an iced coffee. - i love spending time up there, its quiet, so got my lesson done, nice and cool, i love the employees, they've got some live music on friday and saturday nights... but, saturday,
My aunt met me up there and we just chatted away... it was really great... :) needless to say , since i did have coffee so late, i was wired.... (why cant i get it through my head that i cant drink coffee late in the day?- in my defense though, i did think that since it was earlier in the evening, i'd be alright.... im learning...) so basically, i got 4 hrs of sleep on saturday night, i had to teach Sunday school sunday morn, so i had to go to church. so glad i did. :-) it was a good day.
Lets see.... my brother has been working at a christian camp...for a few weeks - but after the first week he injured his foot... (fractured a tiny bone in his foot, and had some ligament damage) needless to say, he wont be working for next few weeks, hes taking it easy in a boot... and on crutches.... hes hoping that it heals properly so he can get back down to the camp and work......
Lets see - i guess thats about all thats going on in my life.
just kinda floatin' along...
job's goin alright... no changes...
i am very ready to go, and do and travel, and have fun and just relax, and not have to worry about everyday working... or at least to be doing something that I really like to do.
all in time, all in time.
I have just really been wanting to do something magnificent past few days - like i really want to make a huge difference in someones life...... just dont know what.... I'm praying about it...... seeing what God has in store for me.
k... thats all i got.
'til next time -
Monday, May 17, 2010
Yep, another monday
Seems like i've been posting my blogs on mondays recently.... lucky you guys...
anyways - so far the day's been ok.
the week's been alright-
school got out last tues - well thats when my last final was - over all... i passed the classes.. yay. didnt get as high of grades that i was thinking / hoping for. but at least i dont have to retake the classes (thank goodness)
this is leaving me with 3 classes left for the community college, and hopefully i'll be able to get my grades up so i can get in... GPA is still short to get in. may have to take a class during that second set of summer classes.
anyways - we will see...
lets see, I am keeping very busy with church stuff and work right now... I love doing stuff with the church... but there is alot to be done. - i know that im not even the main person, but between lessons, figuring out what the kids want to do, scheduling those things, getting them ready for summer camp, and just stuff... its alot... we were busy this month, we had a concert to go to, and of course lessons and stuff, we had a HUGE garage sale a few weekends ago - and made over $2300! it was amazing - this is to help cover the youth's cost for the camps (1/2 of it) and then cover some activities in the summer as well as prob. help out in the winter as well. (yaaay)
I know that many of the kids enjoy my lessons and stuff... i feel like some are just judging me and waiting for me to mess up...
recently - (like within past like 2 or 3 days, i've just felt like people are disappointed in me - like just several people basically have said 'you should have done_______" or "you should have said ___________" basically telling me that whatever i did was wrong, and i should have thought abou tthings, and i should do ___________this or _________that" - just i want them to realize that i am who i am, and that i say what i say... i do what i do... just tired of them treating me like a little kid... i dont know...i appreciate advice, but when it feels like they are just degrading me, and that i do everything wrong.... you know.... just a little disheartetning... i wish that they would just appreciate me for who i am. and just go with it... but everyone has a say so.... just gotta live with it.
Job: its alright... still ready to get out..
ready to travel and go,
especially since many of my friends are already out for the summer -and they arent doing anything.
simon reminded me that I am making like twice as much as many of these people are making (the ones that are working at least) i dont know a single other person, my age that is paying for EVERYTHING themselves... no help from parents... apt, car, insurance, electricity , internet/tv, groceries, entertainment money - clothing... everything.
I am still ready to do my photography.
so far no one is willing to pay for my services. i think theres one person thats ready to, but a matter of setting the day.
other than that, some inquiries but no bites. im thinking about doing like a summer special (like 75% off...) i need some bites... if i can just get 4 or 5 familes... this summer - then really vamp it up for halloween / fall / christmas photos... then hopefully next yr it will grow. i was hoping to have a full - fledged photo business by Jan of next year, but i dont think thats going to happen... its moviing slower than what i had anticipated... oh well.
i have to remind myself that all of this is in His plan :)
it will be alright.
anyways thats all my ramblings for today ::
heres my update on my 101 list :-)
101 Update
learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (0/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive. – failed with the ivy – but I have other plants growing – marigolds, basil and others…
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out
6. clean out my desk ½ done… cleaned out the major part of it…
7. clean out my closet ---did, and needs to be done again... can you believe that?
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 weeks
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses-- love them!!
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week—getting there...
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
52 get a new monitor for computer
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)Accomplished on May 2 – we did “Give me your Eyes” – By Brandon Heath – He sang, played his mandolin – and I Signed. It was great
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (5/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (0/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
Goals Should be completed by August 16, 2012.
anyways - so far the day's been ok.
the week's been alright-
school got out last tues - well thats when my last final was - over all... i passed the classes.. yay. didnt get as high of grades that i was thinking / hoping for. but at least i dont have to retake the classes (thank goodness)
this is leaving me with 3 classes left for the community college, and hopefully i'll be able to get my grades up so i can get in... GPA is still short to get in. may have to take a class during that second set of summer classes.
anyways - we will see...
lets see, I am keeping very busy with church stuff and work right now... I love doing stuff with the church... but there is alot to be done. - i know that im not even the main person, but between lessons, figuring out what the kids want to do, scheduling those things, getting them ready for summer camp, and just stuff... its alot... we were busy this month, we had a concert to go to, and of course lessons and stuff, we had a HUGE garage sale a few weekends ago - and made over $2300! it was amazing - this is to help cover the youth's cost for the camps (1/2 of it) and then cover some activities in the summer as well as prob. help out in the winter as well. (yaaay)
I know that many of the kids enjoy my lessons and stuff... i feel like some are just judging me and waiting for me to mess up...
recently - (like within past like 2 or 3 days, i've just felt like people are disappointed in me - like just several people basically have said 'you should have done_______" or "you should have said ___________" basically telling me that whatever i did was wrong, and i should have thought abou tthings, and i should do ___________this or _________that" - just i want them to realize that i am who i am, and that i say what i say... i do what i do... just tired of them treating me like a little kid... i dont know...i appreciate advice, but when it feels like they are just degrading me, and that i do everything wrong.... you know.... just a little disheartetning... i wish that they would just appreciate me for who i am. and just go with it... but everyone has a say so.... just gotta live with it.
Job: its alright... still ready to get out..
ready to travel and go,
especially since many of my friends are already out for the summer -and they arent doing anything.
simon reminded me that I am making like twice as much as many of these people are making (the ones that are working at least) i dont know a single other person, my age that is paying for EVERYTHING themselves... no help from parents... apt, car, insurance, electricity , internet/tv, groceries, entertainment money - clothing... everything.
I am still ready to do my photography.
so far no one is willing to pay for my services. i think theres one person thats ready to, but a matter of setting the day.
other than that, some inquiries but no bites. im thinking about doing like a summer special (like 75% off...) i need some bites... if i can just get 4 or 5 familes... this summer - then really vamp it up for halloween / fall / christmas photos... then hopefully next yr it will grow. i was hoping to have a full - fledged photo business by Jan of next year, but i dont think thats going to happen... its moviing slower than what i had anticipated... oh well.
i have to remind myself that all of this is in His plan :)
it will be alright.
anyways thats all my ramblings for today ::
heres my update on my 101 list :-)
101 Update
learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (0/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive. – failed with the ivy – but I have other plants growing – marigolds, basil and others…
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out
6. clean out my desk ½ done… cleaned out the major part of it…
7. clean out my closet ---did, and needs to be done again... can you believe that?
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 weeks
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses-- love them!!
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week—getting there...
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
52 get a new monitor for computer
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)Accomplished on May 2 – we did “Give me your Eyes” – By Brandon Heath – He sang, played his mandolin – and I Signed. It was great
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (5/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (0/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
Goals Should be completed by August 16, 2012.
Monday, May 10, 2010
A case of the Mondays.
today is one of those days.
I've been tired.
I've had lack of motivation.
all ive wanted to do was just get out of the office. and just go.
im just tired of working all the time and not see any progress.
2 weeks ago, we got bonuses.... really small, compared to a few months ago... see we get these little bonuses every quarter... no one knows why they vary in compensation..... but sometimes its good... sometimes its bad. I know that it coorelates to the production.. I dont see why my bonus comes from the production of the engines...... i have nothing to do with that... now if it was based on files filed, keys typed or something, i would have control over that.
oh well.
Anyways... this is finals week... im glad.
one semester under my belt appx. 12 more to go... maybe? i dunno. ihope im done within the next 4 yrs.... WITHIN. would love for it to be like 2 yrs. but not gonna happen.
I've been tired.
I've had lack of motivation.
all ive wanted to do was just get out of the office. and just go.
im just tired of working all the time and not see any progress.
2 weeks ago, we got bonuses.... really small, compared to a few months ago... see we get these little bonuses every quarter... no one knows why they vary in compensation..... but sometimes its good... sometimes its bad. I know that it coorelates to the production.. I dont see why my bonus comes from the production of the engines...... i have nothing to do with that... now if it was based on files filed, keys typed or something, i would have control over that.
oh well.
Anyways... this is finals week... im glad.
one semester under my belt appx. 12 more to go... maybe? i dunno. ihope im done within the next 4 yrs.... WITHIN. would love for it to be like 2 yrs. but not gonna happen.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Oh, Happy Day!
I know, its a monday.
however, i feel just overjoyed. i have no idea why. i woke up in a decent mood. got in the car, one of my favorite, if not my top fav band, MercyMe was being interviewed on the radio, then my favorite song came on "I can Only Imagine" then came to work, where I am NOT stuck in my little filing closet! i am sitting in for the receptionist today, so i have windows, allll around me!!! its amazing! the sky is blue, the trees and grass are green.
I turned in a 19 page paper last night, that was due. big sigh of relief there.
next up: 2, 2 page essays... thats nothin' compareed tothat sucker from yesterday. - finals are next week and a huge weight will be lifted for the next 3 months ;-)
i am so incredibly blessed. I do have a great life, i konw that I complain, but i am so blessed.
ok, so...
couple things on a spiritual basis - embrace what God has given you.
Romans 12:1-2:
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2 Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
this is great! - i love it... we have to place our life before God... We Embrace what He has done for us, and is doing in us... He is the ultimate planner. hes got the plans. -I do not....sure I may try to plan it... isnt that normal, but in the end..... hes got the reigns... just like a horse...
The horse may think that he knows where hes going, but the cowboy on the horse adjusts the reigns to lead him. :-) yaaay!
We have to fix our attention on God. there is so much around us, that just distracts us. and we lose focus on God. ... music, media, news, magazines, internet, friends... etc....
we have to be careful. :-)
ok, thats all i've got. I hope that you have a wonderful day!
however, i feel just overjoyed. i have no idea why. i woke up in a decent mood. got in the car, one of my favorite, if not my top fav band, MercyMe was being interviewed on the radio, then my favorite song came on "I can Only Imagine" then came to work, where I am NOT stuck in my little filing closet! i am sitting in for the receptionist today, so i have windows, allll around me!!! its amazing! the sky is blue, the trees and grass are green.
I turned in a 19 page paper last night, that was due. big sigh of relief there.
next up: 2, 2 page essays... thats nothin' compareed tothat sucker from yesterday. - finals are next week and a huge weight will be lifted for the next 3 months ;-)
i am so incredibly blessed. I do have a great life, i konw that I complain, but i am so blessed.
ok, so...
couple things on a spiritual basis - embrace what God has given you.
Romans 12:1-2:
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2 Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
this is great! - i love it... we have to place our life before God... We Embrace what He has done for us, and is doing in us... He is the ultimate planner. hes got the plans. -I do not....sure I may try to plan it... isnt that normal, but in the end..... hes got the reigns... just like a horse...
The horse may think that he knows where hes going, but the cowboy on the horse adjusts the reigns to lead him. :-) yaaay!
We have to fix our attention on God. there is so much around us, that just distracts us. and we lose focus on God. ... music, media, news, magazines, internet, friends... etc....
we have to be careful. :-)
ok, thats all i've got. I hope that you have a wonderful day!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Never Completely satisfied
Thinking on my life... recently i havent been utterly completely satisfied... always wanting something more, something different. (usually with my job situation) Past few weeks all i've wanted to do is travel. i want to go and see... well why not??? --- 2 things.. (time and money) --- You see, in order to go to these lovely places that i want to go, you have to have money. -- money to go and do, and travel, and accomadations and such. - so therefore, i have to work, to save up that money, in which that takes up the time, maybe ill win the lottery (have to start playing the lottery first)
so hopefully ill be able to take a nice trip some time soon.
But life right now is going ok... just chuggin' along... schools almost out for the summer (YES!!) so its starting to get crazy with projects, papers assignements and tests.... but i will get through it. my goal for the next 2 weeks is to work on everything in my spare time... no time for fun the next couple of weeks.
I hope to get some over time at work this summer, and put the money away (for my trips)
then hit the books hard i n the fall.
then its off to UNT (hopefully) im ready to be done with school.. i dont mind it that much, but it will be better when im not completely stressed out and everything. :) but it is what it is for the time being... just cant wait to hang that diploma on my wall and say... look at me I did this, while working full time... and paid for it myself.. no help from my parents :P maybe rude.. but whatever.
anyways... ok well thats the update on my life.
so hopefully ill be able to take a nice trip some time soon.
But life right now is going ok... just chuggin' along... schools almost out for the summer (YES!!) so its starting to get crazy with projects, papers assignements and tests.... but i will get through it. my goal for the next 2 weeks is to work on everything in my spare time... no time for fun the next couple of weeks.
I hope to get some over time at work this summer, and put the money away (for my trips)
then hit the books hard i n the fall.
then its off to UNT (hopefully) im ready to be done with school.. i dont mind it that much, but it will be better when im not completely stressed out and everything. :) but it is what it is for the time being... just cant wait to hang that diploma on my wall and say... look at me I did this, while working full time... and paid for it myself.. no help from my parents :P maybe rude.. but whatever.
anyways... ok well thats the update on my life.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Waiting for my Dream Job
Not a whole lot going on in my life.
im trying to be better about this blog thing, i know, im working on once a week posting.
I did post on my photoblog the other day, though :0)
Lets see, so work's going alright, basically just the admin for our legal dept here. its alright. just ready to do something that i LOVE doing.
I am going to be taking family portrait for a family that i know this weekend. Im very excited. I get to start practicing my skills. yaaaay!!! Im ready for my own business. i need more time to get more experience, though.
so now its the waiting game, i have a few people that are willing to let me photographs of them, to help me with my portfolio. but i think im going to need some more.
I have thoroughly loved working with everyone with the youth group. its been an amazing ministry. i cant wait to see what God has for us in the future. yes its small now, but i really do feel it growing.
Hunger for Haiti went well. we raised quite a bit more than what our goal was :-) awesome feeling.
still only have 2 youth come on wednesday night, but the numbers for sunday have gone up. I think it helps that some of our college kids come in town, and that is a wonderful role model for the kids on sunday.
We have a youth garage sale to help raise funds for the kids that are going to camp here in may. i hope that this will help the kids to come more.
im thinking its time to revisit the thought of changing our "wednesday" to Saturday or Friday. i dunno. i need to pray about it.
lets see...
thats about all thats going on right now. keeping busy with school . church and work.
im trying to be better about this blog thing, i know, im working on once a week posting.
I did post on my photoblog the other day, though :0)
Lets see, so work's going alright, basically just the admin for our legal dept here. its alright. just ready to do something that i LOVE doing.
I am going to be taking family portrait for a family that i know this weekend. Im very excited. I get to start practicing my skills. yaaaay!!! Im ready for my own business. i need more time to get more experience, though.
so now its the waiting game, i have a few people that are willing to let me photographs of them, to help me with my portfolio. but i think im going to need some more.
I have thoroughly loved working with everyone with the youth group. its been an amazing ministry. i cant wait to see what God has for us in the future. yes its small now, but i really do feel it growing.
Hunger for Haiti went well. we raised quite a bit more than what our goal was :-) awesome feeling.
still only have 2 youth come on wednesday night, but the numbers for sunday have gone up. I think it helps that some of our college kids come in town, and that is a wonderful role model for the kids on sunday.
We have a youth garage sale to help raise funds for the kids that are going to camp here in may. i hope that this will help the kids to come more.
im thinking its time to revisit the thought of changing our "wednesday" to Saturday or Friday. i dunno. i need to pray about it.
lets see...
thats about all thats going on right now. keeping busy with school . church and work.
Monday, February 22, 2010
101 Update
learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (0/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive.
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out6. clean out my desk
7. clean out my closet ---did, and needs to be done again... can you believe that?
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
:12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 week
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
52 get a new monitor for computer
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (4/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (0/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
102----start a new 101 on day 1001 (or day 1002?)
learn how to make a pie
2. Learn how to make a cheesecake Did it.. not how i thought it would be, but everyone still liked it.
3.Try one new recipe a month (0/30)
House & Home
4. Keep at least one plant alive (ivy?) 1/2 way- got an Ivy for b-day, now gotta keep it alive.
5. Keep my car for 3 weeks - inside and out6. clean out my desk
7. clean out my closet ---did, and needs to be done again... can you believe that?
8. Wash dishes every night for 2 weeks (0/2)
9. Make curtains for my room... possibly living room
10. Clean out craft bin
11. Figure out a "life plan"
For the Best of Me
:12. Read the Bible at its entirety
13. get up and stretch each morning for 2 week
14.excersize 4 times a week for a month
15. follow the food pyramid to a "T" for 3 days (0/3)
16.dont eat any sweets 3 days out of the project (0/3)
17. get a manicure & Pedicure
18. get new eyeglasses
19. Do a teeth whitening program
20.Learn CPR
21 Drink 8 Glasses of water for 3 days (0/3)
22 Make a prayer journal made one, may make another one, .... one that would be easier to write in...
23 Tithe Every week that i go to church - So far so good.
24 Blog once a week
25 find a job Found one??? - Still employed at same place, but not laid off anymore.
26 start bachelor degree @ university (Spring 2011?)
27 Vaccuum once a week for a month (4/4)
28 Make my own bread
29 Go to a hot air balloon festival
30 Go to the Deaf assisted living home 4 times a year (0/8)
31 go to a concert (Trans siberian orchestra)
32 Go to at least one professional game
33 go to the zoo
34 go to the botanical gardens
35 go to a college football game
36 Go to a museum
:37 take a picture every day for a month
38enter into 6 photo contests (0/6)
39 Learn how to use photoshop properly...... for the majority
40 Enter items in State fair contests 0/2
41 Sell a photo
42 get a website for my photos
43 upload most photos online- (photobucket?)
44 make a real photo portfolio
45 Get out old film camera, take pics, and then get them developed.
46 Print various pics for mom
47 Digiti-fy some of my photos of when i was a kid (scan)
48 Learn how to photograph portraits
49 Learn a photography skill once a month (0/30)
TO Do/ Buy
50 get laptop fixed
51 Go camping
52 get a new monitor for computer
53 Get a phone
54 Get a sewing machine
55 Get a external hard drive
56 buy a shredder
57 Back up data from computer
58 Get a library card
59 get something from the library each month after i get a library card
60 frame 5 photos
61 Get a small digital camera.
62Get coins into paper money, or put it in savings
63 get a family portrait, with parents and brother
64 go to a festival
For FUn
:65. Learn to play a new instrument
66 Watch the stars
67 go fishing
68. Start a sketch book.... and then start sketching
69.Learn how to paint
70. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls
71. go play a real golf game.
72 go to a drive in theater
73 plan and execute the perfect date with simon
.74 plan a surprise
75. host a game night
76. learn how to make a peice of clothing for myself
77. Fly somewhere...
78 Fly a kite
79. Learn 5 ASL signs a week... (0/130)
80. finish college scrapbook
81. take vitamins every day fora month
82. Get a jewelery box
83 Get some high heels, and learn how to wear them....
.84. work on finish to the date mine and Simon's scrapbook
.85. Learn how to use Chop sticks
86. Spend an afternoon in a local coffeeshop
87. perform a song with my brother (him singing, me doing sign language)
88. Make my bed for 3 weeks (0/3)
89 save $100 a month for the duration of the project (4/30)
For The best of everyone
90. Buy and send out/give 10 'just because' gifts (0/10)
91. Give food/clothing to the needy 4 times a year (0/10)
92. Start recycling more
93.Learn how to drive a stick shift
94Write 3 letters of complaint of food / service (0/3)
95Write 3 letters of praise of food/service (0/3)
96 start working on posture
97 Make sure im on the right track for UNT (talk to a counselor up there)
98 do a charity walk once a year (0/2)
99 buy something online... preferably via etsy.
100pray for someone everyday.
101 Have someone inspired enough to make a 101 for themselves
102----start a new 101 on day 1001 (or day 1002?)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Today is a Brand new day
Today has been a very good day. it was a "snow day" we got 5 inches of snow... something we never see here in Texas. I took off work. even though the roads were probably fine to drive on, and tomorrow it wont be very good.... but it was a great day to clean house and just chill. i went out to a local park and took some pictures, also took some around the apartment.
Over all life is going amazing
I am growing so much closer to God and he has opened my eyes in different ways.
I've never been this close to him.
I feel so led to help out with the youth.... I feel like im in the right place.
Right now there are not many that come to the Wednesday night meetings (only 2) but i've accepted that.
Next week we are going to a conference that's coming... Planet Wisdom, I used to love going when I was in youth. Really awesome experience. Im so excited about going. we're having 11 people total going!!! So awesome :-)
The week after we're doing a fundraiser thing for Haiti. - We're calling it "Hunger for Haiti" - we got sponsers to sponsor the youth, and we're sending it to an organization that will give 100% to relief. - The youth are doing a lock-in.... i'm really really excited about it. it will be really great.
Job is going good. They told me yesterday that they do want to continue to keep me on.
so thats good I've started a photoblog thing, hoping eventually it will turn into a business.
I feel different. just i feel like im really growing and maturing. its very odd. but i like it.
Over all life is going amazing
I am growing so much closer to God and he has opened my eyes in different ways.
I've never been this close to him.
I feel so led to help out with the youth.... I feel like im in the right place.
Right now there are not many that come to the Wednesday night meetings (only 2) but i've accepted that.
Next week we are going to a conference that's coming... Planet Wisdom, I used to love going when I was in youth. Really awesome experience. Im so excited about going. we're having 11 people total going!!! So awesome :-)
The week after we're doing a fundraiser thing for Haiti. - We're calling it "Hunger for Haiti" - we got sponsers to sponsor the youth, and we're sending it to an organization that will give 100% to relief. - The youth are doing a lock-in.... i'm really really excited about it. it will be really great.
Job is going good. They told me yesterday that they do want to continue to keep me on.
so thats good I've started a photoblog thing, hoping eventually it will turn into a business.
I feel different. just i feel like im really growing and maturing. its very odd. but i like it.
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